Our Recruitment drive for our 2019 Ground Search And Rescue (GSAR) class is now closed. We are pleased to welcome a fantastic group of 11 new Members in Training (MITs) to our team! SSISAR had a field exercise last Saturday with Regular members putting the new MITs through their paces in performing the 3 methods of searching. Starting off the day with Type I (Initial Response) with a trail search, being re-tasked into a Type II (Sweep Search) and finally finishing off with a Type III (Grid Search). Doing the back to back to back assignments really highlighted the differences in search methods for our MITs, showing the value of each type in different scenarios and time frames. Fortunately the weather was exactly how we like it; “If it’s not raining, It’s not Training”. Good to see so many enthusiastic and happy members out there!
Salt Spring SAR is Recruiting for our 2019 Ground Search & Rescue class! Are you a person who enjoys volunteering your time to helping people and the community? Do you enjoy being in the outdoors? Are you a team player? Do you like to be out at all time of day in darkness and in rain helping those in need? Are you looking to challenge yourself and learn new skills and get training in a variety of search and rescue techniques? We are looking for interested, committed individuals to join our Team! For more details, please check out our Join us section
Falling Autumn leaves make for beautiful hikes this time of year, but they can cover up portions of trails! Make sure to keep a watchful eye for trail markers and always follow the AdventureSmart 3Ts: Trip Planning (Plan your trip, file a trip plan, check weather conditions) Training (Obtain the knowledge an skills before heading out) and always carry The Essentials. Stay safe while enjoying all the amazing beauty our Island has to offer!
SSISAR had our annual Members In Training (MIT) Survival weekend May 5th-6th on Portland Island. Our MIT class did a fantastic Job putting all their new skills to the test in the real world. Skills Included: Shelter Building Fire lighting Cooking over a Fire Night Searching Orienteering Radio communications Swift-water skills Basket stretcher & Wheel handling Rope work Interviewing Extremely well done MIT Class of 2018: Jane, Brent, Kylie, Conrad, Kurt, Dave & Laurie, you should be very proud of what you have accomplished. Thank you to our regular member instructors (Jason, Kristin, Tudor, Sarah, James, Shasta and Bryan) as well as Ben from Parks Canada for the waterborne transport.
Salt Spring Search and Rescue
261 Fulford-Ganges Road
Salt Spring Island BC V8K 2K6
Phone: (250) 526-0095
Email: [email protected]